CASRY – Collision Avoidance System for yards and terminals
Reliable and economical solution especially designed for rail yards and terminals

The CASRY system consists of a number of Collision Avoidance Devices (CADs) mounted in the locomotives, at level crossings, near the loading/unloading stations and at certain important locations like point zones in rail yards. All CADs can communicate among themselves with the help of built-in Radio Modems. A minimum of 2km range of communication will be guaranteed with 99% availability.


For more information, Product handout is available here.

ATRW – Automatic Timing (Recording) Device for Railway Wagons

With the demand for correct turn around time of the wagons, lot of wagon users like coal fields, food corporation go-downs, warehouses and other industries, mining areas are compelled to complete the process of loading of wagons within a stipulated time to achieve overall efficiency as well as to avoid overheads and penalties being paid to the Railways. This device enables the user to strictly monitor and control the timing of wagon loading and unloading, etc so that the turn around time is monitored avoiding huge penalties thus resulting in considerable savings. The equipment is scalable user-friendly, highly reliable and accepted by Railways.


For more information, Product handout is available here.