LxGuard™ – Level Crossing Protection System
Kernex Microsystems (India) Limited has developed a level Crossing Protection System, LxGuard™ characterized by innovative design, an intelligent mix of modern technology and safe working principles.
LxGuard™ is ideal for preventing collisions between Rail vehicles and Road Vehicles / pedestrians at level crossings. LxGuard™ employs triple redundant processors with ‘2 out of 3’ voting logic, to achieve high degree of safety along with highly-availability. It comprises of Axle counters to detect train approach, highly sophisticated Lx Controller, Red and Yellow Flashing Lamps and bells to warn the road users and motorized barriers. Optionally, way side train signals can be provided and interfaced to LxGuard™.
LxGuard™ combines low installation and maintenance costs with high levels of flexibility, integrity, and reliability. It can be easily adapted to the conditions of individual level crossings and customer specific requirements. It can be readily interfaced with existing infrastructure and signaling systems.
For more information, Product handout is available here.
SAFELx™ – Train Actuated Warning Device
SAFELx™ is an ideal embedded Train Actuated Warning Device capable of producing early warning to rail-cum-road users at level crossings thereby preventing possible rail-vehicle collisions.
It is a highly customized solution that detects incoming trains automatically and switches on audio-visual warning devices like the Yellow/Red Warning Lights and the Bell/Hooter as a warning for the road users, thereby alerting the road users of approaching train.
For more information, Product handout is available here.
SENTINEX – Low Cost Level Crossing warning system
SENTINEX is a network of electronic collision prevention devices (CPDs) comprising on On-board devices called Loco CPD for locomotives and Gate CPD installed at Manned and unmanned level crossings. The Loco and Gate CPDs use radio communication for passing the command messages when they are within a radial range of 2.
Loco CPD uses inputs from Global positioning system for determination of train location, speed, direction of travel, and time. SENTINEX provides a “Train approach” a train approach warning to road users at level crossings. At Manned LC gates, the approaching Loco CPD can also detect the gate open condition and warn the driver to reduce the speed.
For more information, Product handout is available here.